I hope these resources will help you protect your family and strengthen your relationships! Keep checking back as I add to the list all the time. Feel free to share your comments or recommend a resource that has helped you.
Porn Blocker
Protect your family! Take the worry out of providing internet safety for your family with Covenant Eyes.
Kids spend so much time on the computer and lets be honest— we can’t hover over them every time they log onto the computer to make sure they aren’t being exposed to porn. Even adults can end up on a tempting website with a simple click. Covenant Eyes provides protection and accountability as well as helpful information to keep your family safe.
Click here or the the box below.
A Few of my Favorite Books
Relationships don’t come with an instruction book—I wish they did! When you google books on relationships the results are overwhelming. Where to begin? I have compiled some of my favorite books to help you navigate your way through the overwhelming amount of information out there.
I add books all the time—keep checking back in and let me know if any of these books helped.
Marriage & Relationships
Sex Addiction/Compulsive Sexual Behavior
Sex Addiction/Compulsive Sexual Behavior/Women
Infidelity Recovery